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Yihan Wang

I am a final-year PhD student in applied mathematics at Academy of Mathematics and Systems Science (AMSS), Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS). I'm fortunate to be advised by Prof. Xiao-Shan Gao.

Research Interests: My research focuses on trustworthy machine learning, privacy protection, and related optimization problems.​ Specifically, I am working on preventing private or copyrighted data from unauthorized usage by machine learning models, especially making data unexploitable via crafted perturbations. I am not only interested in developing methods that can be used to protect data, but also in understanding their limitations and the potential for future failure, with the ultimate goal of creating tools that can be applied in the real world. Besides, I am also working on revoking the learned knowledge from pre-trained models to protect the privacy of the data, which is also known as machine unlearning. My research also involves adversarial machine learning, bi-level optimization, memorization, generative models, data attribution, and other related areas.

Outside of research, I enjoy playing badminton and cooking.